Prophet Charles

“Prophetic Training Introductory Class”

Yes, I want to enroll in this FREE online webinar class!  

Enroll in our Next Free Online Introductory Prophetic Training

“Growing Your Prophetic Gifting” 

Mondays, at 7:30 pm EST

Then again Wednesday,

at 7:30 pm EST

Study On Wheels

Prophetic Training from Home!  

Prophetic Training from Home. Office. And on the Road!  

QUICKLY sharpen your ability to hear God’s voice and speak prophetic words to yourself and other people. Our School of the Prophetic Interactive Online Study Course has helped many people grow in their individual ministries.  Save time and money while staying safely online with us

Join our free introductory class and receive our free “Hearing God’s Voice” audio lessons gift when you attend.

 Who Can Prophesy? 
According to scripture, we all can prophesy (that is, speak words of edification, exhortation and comfort). 
For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.  1 Co 14:31 

Who is your Prophetic Training courses for? 
Our courses are designed for anyone who would like to improve their ability to hear God for themselves and speak into the lives of others. 

Join the Prophetic flow on wheels and drive fully to your God given destiny NOW.

Be a God Certified Person  :  2 Timothy 2:15

 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Times are changing. Be chosen and approve by God.


Navigate a Massive spiritual season shift and prophesy the world into a new era

Join us August 20-25 for Days of Prophetic Equipping and Activation

Usher in the New Era

The world is undergoing a seismic spiritual season shift of epic proportions, the likes of which we haven’t experienced in years. As prophets and prophetic people, you may have felt the internal shaking, knowing that transition is in the air earlier than others. However, that doesn’t mean you are the only one or that you are off-base.

At the School of the Prophets, as you stand at the faultlines of cultural quaking, you’ll recognize the line of prophetic pioneers standing next to you on the edge. When we come together, the puzzle pieces make sense and the picture of what lies ahead grows clearer. Gain fresh eyes to see that the Lord is creating a new wineskin in His church, and help prophesy and usher in the promise of new wine. 

Your School Experience

At the School of the Prophets 2024, you will gain transformative insights and experiences designed to enhance your prophetic journey. Here are the key takeaways you can expect:

Learn from Seasoned Prophets:

Gain wisdom and training from experienced prophets who have been equipping young prophets for decades. Understand your prophetic calling, the role of a prophet, and receive actionable steps to effectively prophesy within your sphere of influence.

Walk in Biblical Prophetic Protocol:

Recognize cultural shifts through God’s lenses. Learn to walk in Biblical wisdom for judging prophetic words and releasing them with accuracy and clarity. Emerge with personal clarity and understand how your season connects to the global season shift.

Join a Passionate Community:

Get connected to a community of passionate prophetic people and prophets who are learning to navigate the current season and desire to usher the world into a new era. Build lasting connections that will support and inspire your growth.


Meet the Speaker

Join seasoned prophets who have navigated the challenges of isolation, uncertainty in delivering prophetic words, and know what it’s like to make mistakes and learn from them. At School of the Prophets, you will find mentors who have walked this path and are here to support you. Our speakers, including Charles Gwira, have been equipping young prophets for decades. Their combined wisdom and experience provide a solid foundation for your prophetic journey.

A Note From Charles Gwira

We are living in unprecedented times, a seismic spiritual season shift unlike anything we’ve seen in years! As prophets and prophetic individuals, we are called to sound the trumpet, guide others through the shaking and usher the world into a new era. At School of the Prophets 2024, you will be equipped with the knowledge, wisdom, and community you need to navigate this shift with grace and confidence.

I invite you to join us for 5 days of rich Biblical training, prophetic activation, and connection with other like-minded people. Together, we will prepare a wineskin for the Lord to send new wine to His Church, and prophesy the world into the new era!

I hope you’ll join us! 


3:30 pm             Check-in 
7:00 pm             Session 1

8:00 am          Community Groups (Online community group meeting times will vary. Online students will receive an email with more information prior to the event.)

10:00 am          Session 2
12:00 pm           Lunch
2:00 pm             Session 3
4:00 pm             Session 4
5:00 pm             Dinner
7:00 pm             Session 5

8:00 am          Community Groups (Online community group meeting times will vary. Online students will receive an email with more information prior to the event.)

10:00 am          Session 6
12:00 pm           Lunch
2:00 pm            Breakouts
4:00 pm             Session 7
5:00 pm             Dinner
7:00 pm             Session 8

8:00 am          Community Groups (Online community group meeting times will vary. Online students will receive an email with more information prior to the event.)

10:00 am          Session 9
12:00 pm           Lunch
2:00 pm            Breakouts
4:00 pm             Session 10
5:00 pm             Dinner
7:00 pm             Session 11

8:00 am          Community Groups (Online community group meeting times will vary. Online students will receive an email with more information prior to the event.)

10:00 am          Session 12
12:00 pm          Lunch
2:00 pm            Session 13
3:00 pm            Prayer & Impartation


Individual Tuitor, In-Person

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies

$ 425
  • Pre-event package
  • 4.5 Days of Equipping
  • Prophetic Community Group
  • Books and manuals
  • Daily guided activations
  • Post-event on-demand video sessions

Individual Tuitor, Online

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies

$ 425
  • Pre-event package
  • 4.5 Days of Equipping
  • Prophetic Community Group
  • Books and manuals
  • Daily guided activations
  • Post-event on-demand video sessions

Individual Tuitor, Online

*Married couples, use this coupon code to receive this discount: COUPLES110

$ 810

In this one-week intensive training school, you will gain an understanding of the prophetic gifting, the office of a prophet, and how to operate effectively in your unique prophetic calling. At School of the Prophets, you will refine your gifting, grow in confidence to prophetically spearhead the way of cultural change, and be empowered to influence the unique sphere you are called to. Your ticket for School of the Prophets will include access to the pre-event package that will prepare you for the live event in August.

Are You Ready?

Secure Your Spot

Register for the School of the Prophets 2024 by choosing your participation option—either in-person in Brampton Toronto or online. Complete the registration form and secure your spot.

Dive into the Pre-Event Package

After registering, you’ll receive your pre-event package with materials to help you prepare for the school. This includes books, manuals, and access to live speaker sessions designed to set the foundation for your learning and activation.

Join Us

Join us from August 20-25, 2024, for 5 days of immersive training, prophetic activation, and community building. Whether you are attending in-person or online, you’ll engage in daily sessions, community groups, and practical activations to enhance your prophetic journey.

Is School of the Prophets for You?

At the School of the Prophets, you’ll gain invaluable knowledge, forge meaningful connections, and be equipped to lead and prophesy effectively, whether you are just beginning to explore your prophetic calling or have been walking in this gift for years. Each session and activation is intentionally designed to provide you with clarity, confidence, and actionable steps to grow in your unique prophetic journey. This school is an investment in your spiritual growth, creating an impact that extends beyond you into your family and spheres of influence. We invite you to join a prophetic community navigating the seismic spiritual season shift and traveling this prophetic path together.

What Past Attendees are Saying

“I feel like I have found my tribe and have found people who are able to put into language what I have been experiencing with God…This has been an unforgettable experience for me and I am really grateful to God for leading me here. I can’t wait to come back to SOTP next year!”

“I felt so included as an online member. I love that we all show up on the screen right in front of the speakers. I felt connected to the other online attendees and speakers in the room!”

“This conference has had such an impact on me in many ways. The biggest way is the revelation of what a NT Prophet is. Those who reform, who build, who reveal God to others and who teach people to hear the voice of God!”

Prophesy the World into a New Era

Get the Free Knowing Your Prophetic Season Guide

Download our free guide to start your journey in learning to identify your prophetic season today. This resource provides valuable insights and practical tips to help you grow in your prophetic gift.