Prophet Charles

Meet Charles Gwira,

Founder & CEO of Prophetic Wealth System:

Unlock Divine Wealth and Influence

This photo captures the essence of God-fearing entrepreneur who is a living proof that prophetic prosperity, purpose, and profits are not just possible—they are promised by God. We are called to influence the marketplace with His blessings.

As the CEO and co-founder of the Prophetic Wealth Mastery Program and Prophetic Business Coaching Masterminds, I empower prophetic thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and corporate executives to build purpose-driven, highly profitable businesses that honor God. Additionally, through my non-profit organizations, Breakthrough Life and True Vine Community, we bring hope and healing to families and seniors facing life’s toughest challenges.

I’ve been blessed to author 14 books on the prophetic and prophetic business strategies, help scale companies from scratch to 7-figures, and build sales teams that exceed targets—all under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If these miracles can happen for me, THEY CAN HAPPEN FOR YOU TOO!

Learn more about our story below, or connect with us on a Free 1:1 Strategy Call today.  Book a call:  1-877-977-8005

In 2008,

Welcome to the Prophetic Wealth System, a transformative movement founded by the Holy Spirit and me. Our mission? To help prophets and aspiring prophets turn their Holy Spirit-given visions into actionable plans, breaking free from delays, stagnation, and fear.

As a successful entrepreneur, I can confidently say that the Holy Spirit is the ultimate business coach and wealth creator (Deuteronomy 8:18). Through our Prophetic Wealth System Suite, we offer cutting-edge Prophetic Business Coaching to help you build a profitable, Spirit-led business,  achieve Kingdom influence, and make a powerful impact on people, communities, and nations.

Join us and unlock your divine potential. Transform lives through prophetic entrepreneurship and take your place as a modern-day trailblazer. Your journey to success starts here!

  • Prophetic Wealth
  • Spirit Led Success
  • Kingdom Influence
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Holy Spirit Guided
  • Transform Lives
  • Join The Movement

In 2008,

Following God’s guidance, I pursued an education in accounting, specializing in wealth creation. I committed myself to addressing structural inequities in underfinanced communities and helping churches and profit organisations  optimize their financial operations, transforming them into centers of community development.

My journey led me to establish my first business in international telecommunications. With God’s blessing, I have been able to create a successful enterprise and now strive to help others do the same. Join us on this journey of prophetic entrepreneurship, and together, we will build a future filled with divine purpose and prosperity. God bless you.

In 2008,

I believe the door is open for your acceleration. it is up to you to take advantage of this God sent opportunity and be part of the flow of God’s goodness concerning the prosperity wealth creation blessing that God has spoken concerning the end time. You are called to operate in the end time financial blessing, so take advantage of it and let us partner together so that God’s name is glorified and you are elevated/promoted to be a blessing for your family, your community, and your church.

Join us, and let’s walk this path together, equipped with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, ready to make waves in the lives of people, communities, and nations. The world is waiting for your prophetic influence. Step forward and answer the call.  

Are you ready to embark on this divine prophetic journey? The world awaits your impact, and the time is now to step into your God-given destiny. Embrace your prophetic mission with unwavering faith, knowing that you are called to make a significant difference. Together, we will unveil God’s blueprint for your business, providing you with the divine strategy, wisdom, and insight needed to succeed.

This journey is not only about financial prosperity, but about fulfilling His divine purpose for your life. As you align with His plans, you will become a beacon of light, guiding others and transforming communities. You are destined to raise up men and women with a prophetic mindset, teaching them God’s wealth-creating approach and spreading His blessings far and wide.

Become a student.

Transformative Entrepreneurial Blueprints for Prophets and Prophetic People

Are you a Prophet or a prophetic son or daughter who is fed up, tired, and ready for a divine change? We are here to support you in stepping into your God-given purpose, serving the body of Christ in innovative and impactful ways.

An innovate approach

Prophet Charles, following his own entrepreneurial journey of launching a successful Telecommunications,  book publishing , coaching , and consulting practice, received an apostolic mandate to birth the “Prophetic Wealth System” through his brand, “Prophetic Flow.” This movement is rooted in the divine desire to empower God’s chosen sons and daughters to discern His voice in every area of their lives.

The “Prophetic Wealth System” emerged as a beacon for those seeking to navigate life, ministry, and business under God’s prophetic leadership. Through counseling and social media platforms, Prophet Charles teaches God’s people how to align with His divine strategies and unlock their prophetic potential.